Elementary School Grades
When a parent or school team member has a concern regarding the student’s progress, they should address their questions to the school guidance counselor. The guidance counselor and/or the child study team will schedule a team meeting with the parents and all required participants to discuss the request for evaluation. A permission to evaluate (PTE) could be given to the parents to sign, which gives the psychologist permission to begin an evaluation. There will be a multidisciplinary team meeting to review the evaluation report within 60 calendar days after the PTE is signed.
Elementary School grades: When a parent or school team member has a concern regarding the student’s progress, they should address their questions to the school guidance counselor. The guidance counselor and/or the child study team will schedule a team meeting with the parents and all required participants to discuss the request for evaluation. A permission to evaluate (PTE) could be given to the parents to sign, which gives the psychologist permission to begin an evaluation. There will be a multidisciplinary team meeting to review the evaluation report within 60 calendar days after the PTE is signed. Secondary School grades: When a parent or school team member requests an evaluation, the guidance counselor will schedule a meeting with the parents and school psychologist to discuss the reason for the referral. A permission to evaluate (PTE) will be signed by the parent, which allows the evaluation process to begin. The guidance counselor will schedule a multidisciplinary team meeting within 60 calendar days after the PTE was signed. Parents: Parents must provide their request for an evaluation in writing to either the building principal, Director of Special Education, or school psychologist. The school psychologist and guidance counselor will meet with the parents after reviewing the child’s records. The school psychologist will issue a permission to evaluate (PTE), if necessary, to answer the referral question. The evaluation will be completed within 60 calendar days of the signed PTE. |
Secondary School Grades
When a parent or school team member requests an evaluation, the guidance counselor will schedule a meeting with the parents and school psychologist to discuss the reason for the referral. A permission to evaluate (PTE) will be signed by the parent, which allows the evaluation process to begin. The guidance counselor will schedule a multidisciplinary team meeting within 60 calendar days after the PTE was signed.
Parents must provide their request for an evaluation in writing to either the building principal, Director of Special Education, or school psychologist. The school psychologist and guidance counselor will meet with the parents after reviewing the child’s records. The school psychologist will issue a permission to evaluate (PTE), if necessary, to answer the referral question. The evaluation will be completed within 60 calendar days of the signed PTE.